Buckland Computers is available 365 days a year, from 10am to 10pm.

To contact Buckland Computers:

Telephone (shop) 01822 855796; (home) 01822 855336 ~ There is answering service if I am not immediately available. Please note that both numbers occasionally forward automatically to my mobile phone, and there is no dialling/ringing tone whilst this happens.

email: sales@bucklandcomputers.co.uk

Facebook: search for Buckland Computers

Visiting the shop: The shop is open from 10am to 5pm on Wednesdays. Most of the work is done ‘on the road’ but you may find us in the shop on other days so if you see the lights are on, we’re open, so come on in.

Shop address:
Chapel Lane
PL20 7SP

Buckland Computers